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Newspaper The Murray Ledger & Times - October 11th 2011

Murray, Kentucky

James M Keller Camp #648 Member David Rowland

It’s a Small World Written by Wayne Cotnam   

During our recent National Reunion I had a very memorable experience. While standing out front of the hotel, I saw by the name tag one of our SCV compatriots and wanting to be a good host, I introduced myself and learned his name was Lynn Simpson. Next I asked where you from and he said Waco, Texas (actually Mexia, Texas). I asked if this was his first trip to Hot Springs and he told me yes and some of his by ancestors were from Hot Springs.

Then he asked me if I knew where Tally Cemetery was. Now this was getting really getting interesting because this cemetery is located “out in the sticks”, near the community of Beaudry, known as   Dark Corner. This is the area our family lived before the turn of the century and during the war of Southern Independence. Dark Corner is located on middle fork of Saline River, north side of Hot Springs Village. You need someone to lead you to Tally Cemetery. Then came the most incredible part of this story, when I asked his family name and he replied “Akin”. It was hard to believe what I was hearing. So I told him an Akin had shot and killed our grandfather and his brother. (Allegedly). This event happened on April 19, 1904. Lynn already knew the story and I think was amazed as I.

Then I introduced Lynn to my brother, Tommy. I told Tommy, “this is one of the Akin gang, you got a gun”? Ha

The next morning Tommy and I had breakfast with Lynn and drove to Tally cemetery. We took photos and Lynn set his GPS device for grave sites. (now others  can find Tally cemetery)  We then stopped by Newkirk Cemetery where our grandfather, his brother and other members of our family are buried.

A day or so later I drove Lynn to Garland County Historical Society for some research and to Jesseville to meet Jimmy Johnson, pastor of Marble Baptist Church. Jimmy is also an Akin descendent. They exchanged personal and family information.  Note: We have nothing to document any information except newspaper copy I received from Arkansas History Commission. Story has been told, in years past a Cotnam had murdered an Akin. A long family feud?

Enos Akin served in Co. A, 2nd Arkansas Infantry is 2GGrandfather of Lynn Simpson

George W. Cotnam served in Co. B, 15th NW Arkansas Infantry is Wayne Cotnam’s GGrandfather.

George Cotnam shot and killed is a son to George W., the CSA veteran.

Southern Sympathizer Written by Jim Evans   

Martha Adeline (Morgan) Baker is Jim Evans 3rd Great Grandmother.

Martha Adeline (Morgan) Baker was arrested and taken to Folson Federal Prison in MO. Charges against Martha A. Morgan Baker were Disloyalty She was arrested on Oct. 13, 1863 and confined. She was released by order of Lt. Co. Blair on Oct. 30, 1863. (Taken from National Archives)

As the story goes...Martha was a near relative of the Rebel Raider, John Hunt Morgan. She was turned in for being a southern sympathizer. It seems that John Hunt Morgan escaped from a Federal Prison in Kansas in 1863 and was possibly going to see Martha. They may have been together when she was arrested.

Martha was married to Littleton Baker of Big Flat, Arkansas and when he found out what had happened he went to get her out. He decided to go to Texas by way of KS. They traveled with Union troops to Fort Scott where Martha became very sick. She had already been in bad health. The soldiers took her to the company hospital there where she died that night. She was buried there and Littleton returned to Big Flat.

Rumor has it that her grave was paved over.- Ft. Scott, KS.  They could neither tell me or dis-spell the rumor of Martha being buried there.  They said it was unlikely that she was under the parking lot but they did pave over the cemetery but was supposed to have moved all the graves but..... she could have been buried in a unmarked grave and that could be true.  They just couldn't tell me for sure.  One of the Morgan relatives has had it looked up in the Library of Congress and they found it to be at least true about the arrest and being en-route to Ft. Scott when she died.


The First National Convention of the United Confederate Veterans  (UCV)Convention, held at Chatanooga, TN 1890

             Program Organizing Meeting Convention(PDF File 11Mb)

             Program First National UCV Convention  (Large PDF file 33Mb)

             Minutes First National UCV Convention   (PDF File 5 Mb)





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                                                       Hot Springs / Garland County, Arkansas






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